Rabu, 02 Januari 2019



Nama: Andisa Yunita S
           Angelina Panjaitan
           Anugrah Rimbit W
          Farhan Ferdian
          Rita Darniati

Kelas: 3EB02


After the product has been ordered and payment, product will be processed and shipped by courier that we provide. We are responsible for whatever is going to happen regarding the courier as well as good customer. For the Jakarta area can make payment by cod.

Our website provides services that are guaranteed. Therefore, we are ready to face the market share is going to happen in this era. To compete with other competitors we will continue to make appropriate changes to the latest innovations. From the side of marketing, products and delivery.

To compete with other products is not easy, we gives discount every month from the date of 23-25 and gives free shipping delivery. Quality will continue to fix up our input from the customer.
Rimbit give respons
By the way, how we believe the customer that the sneakers we sell are quality assured?

In my opinion, in addition to having online store we also have offline store, so every month we held a bazaar sneakers which can be customer visit. The location of the bazaar will be informed through our website or official instagram.

Promotion Sneak_ers
By the way, for  advertise the products we can through  by social media. Our courier will usually also do a parade to introduce our products to the public.

I think that rimbit said is correct, but in my opinion  to the above manner can also do advertising through the print media by way of disseminating a brochure in some points which we have specified.

Yes, I also agree with the opinion of Rimbit and Disa, in my opinion we can also do advertisement with endorsement for artist or selebgram by promoting our products. Then, I will  handled and procedures that they provide.

So this time the meeting going smoothly and not boring, I provide some bavarage to all of you and what has been discussed at the meetings this time I hope we stay consistent with our goals. If there’s any problem we can discuss our next meeting.

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