Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

Tugas 3 

Nama: Andisa Yunita Sari
           Angelina Panjaitan
          Anugrah Rimbit W
          Farhan Ferdyan
          Rita Darniati
Kelas: 3EB02


Job Task
PT SINAR Gresik JOHNSON CONTROLS OFFICE consists of several Department, where each Department has a job description respectively.As for the existing Department-Department of PT SINAR Gresik JOHNSON CONTROLS OFFICE, namely:
1.      General Manager
It is the highest leadership of the company. Responsible to the Director of operations. His duties as follows:
a)     Determines general policy lines of the programmes of work of the company
b) charge into and out of the company.
c) Directing and examines the activities of the company.GM (General Manager)
    Production Quality Controls Accounting human resources General MANAGER
    SUPERVISOR & Purchasing Warehouse MANAGER MANAGER
 d) Disseminating and applying the wisdom as well as overseeing its
e) Execute contracts with outside parties.
f) Coordinating and supervising the tasks delegated to the manager and establish a
    good working relationship.g) along with other managers to make quarterly
    production plans.

2.      Manager Produksi
Responsible to the General Manager.
The task is as follows:
a)     To plan and organize the production schedule of the product to avoid shortage
      and excess inventory.
b)    Held control of production in order to make products in accordance with the
     specifications and quality standards.
c)      Report periodically to the production regarding the use of materials and the   
    amount of production.d. Mangawasi and evaluate the production activities to
    find out shortcomings and irregularities so that improvements can be made.
d) Sset the schedule for the repair and maintenance of the engine.
 e) Make production plan in accordance with the request of the marketing

3.      Manager Personalia & Umum (General Affair)
Responsible to the General Manager and for all matters relating to the activities of the public good which is connected to the outside or into a company.The task is as follows:
a)     Assists the General Manager in terms of administrative activities
b)     Oversees the use of data, goods and equipment on each Department.
c)     Recruit and train new employees that the company.
d)     Coordinating and supervising the execution of the duties of the Chief of section.
e)     Working on staffing administration

4.     Kepala Bagian Pembelian
Responsible to the General Manager. Task is as follows:
a) Coordinating and supervising the implementation of the part of the purchase.
b) Supervises the Administration section of purchase.
 c) make purchases of goods requested by other departments.

5.      Manager Accounting
Responsible to the General Manager. The task is as follows:
a)     Make financial reports to superiors on a regular basis about the use of money
b)    .Ccontrols the budget revenues from shopping the company in accordance with the expected results.
c)     Iis responsible for determining the costs of companies such as administrative expenses.

6.      Manager Quality Control
Responsible to the General Manager. Task is as follows:
 a) Menkoordinir and oversee the quality control of the product.
 b) Provide advice to the head of the production section about the product quality
     and the State of the machine/equipment used in the production process.

7.     Supervisor Gudang
Responsible to the manager of production and maintenance.
His duties are as follows:
a)     Coordinates and oversees the management of supplies of raw materials
b)    .Make a report pemerimaan, supplies and materials expenses.
c)      Mengontrolpersediaan materials.
d)    Oordering the material when it is depleted.

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