Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

Tugas 4

Nama: Andisa Yunita Sari
           Angelina Panjaitan
          Anugrah Rimbit W
          Farhan Ferdyan
          Rita Darniati
Kelas: 3EB02

The people of Indonesia favorite food one is also called ayamatau noodle noodles chicken.Healthy noodles made from natural ingredients such as vegetables and fruit. Red spinach contains lots of protein, fat, carbohydrates, potassium, iron, amarantin, routine, purin and vitamins (A, B and C).In General Red spinach can improve the work of the kidneys and digestive.

Red Spinach For Health Benefits
As for the benefits are as follows :
1. Launch the digestive process

2. Help treat Anemia

3.Cure Kidney Disorders

4. Help cleanse the female reproductive system

5. Treat the Ill of dysentery,

6.Nourish Hair

7. Cure the bite of Venomous Animals

8. Help improve vision (eye health)

9 .As the most powerful Diet Foods

10.As a source of Antioxidants Boost Immune

11.Increase the body's immune

12.Treat fever

13. Help fetal development

The Way Of Processing :
300 grams            plain flour High Protein
3 pieces                of chicken eggs

120 grams            of spinach leaves red

1 teaspoon           salt
1 tablespoon        cooking oil
to taste                 Flour for sprinkling

The Steps Of Making Noodles Spinach Red
1. Wash the spinach leaves in the Red water flow
2. Blender spinach red
3. Mix the flour with a mean spinach red diu blendir and add 1 tsp salt
4 .Stir in the eggs and oil into the flour and then knead until soft and shiny dough
5. Wrap the dough with a napkin. Let in the room temperature for 30 minutes.
6. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Make the dough into a flat with a noodle making   
     machine holes are level 1 (largest).
7.  Bend the dough
 8. Pipihkan dough with the direction the openings on the top-down
 9. Do repeat until mixture is smooth and flat.
10. After dough in level 1 smooth and flat, pipihkan batter in a row at the level to
      2, 3, 4, or if you want a thinner longer up to level 5.
11. the noodle Dough already flattened by the machine to level 5
12  noodles.The dough is flattened in place in a napkin to eat already sprinkled
      tapung flour.Let it dry flat dough kurleb 30 minutes. While waiting for working
      on 3 pieces of dough such as the previous step.
13. cut the dough flat with prints of mie mie. sprinkle with a little flour.Let the
      noodles dry for 30 minutes. 14. Simmer water salt already.This homemade
      noodles boil for 3 minutes. These noodles are ready at present to chicken
      noodle, fried
      noodles and so on.

Reason :
Red Spinach chicken noodle of processing that is using spinach red is good for health.Content of spinach red is widely used for traditional medicine. With the color red spinach noodle dough made also be red, so that it becomes the attraction of consumers to sample the Red spinach chicken noodle.Not just taste, but consumers can become addicted because they can eat chicken noodle with red spinach.

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