Minggu, 20 Januari 2019

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1


Rita     : Hello good Afternoon, I would like to give an idea for our new products. these are very unique and have a good quality for sure
Rimbit : What products that you want to?
Angel  : Yes, what products rit?
Rita     : We would sell anti pollution masks from a wide range of taste and stainless spoon fold for the traveller, what’s your opinion about my idea?
Farhan : I am very interested with the stainless spoon ones! In my opinion this is so unique mask nowadays
Rita     : this product is very rare so just our shop that sell this product, and hopefully we gain high profit  by selling this product
Disa     : for anti pollution mask, what variant in it is?
Rita     : There are a variety of fragrant fruit, such as grapes, oranges, strawberry, chocolate, cherry and mango, u guys any idea to made other fragrance?
Rimbit : Hmm... I thought mint is interesting, because mint can healing influenza, so the customer will interested too?  And what’s mainly advantages for the mask?
Rita     : The advantages of the mask we sell is very comfortable mask used when driving a motorcycle, mask made its goal to avoid the smell of air pollution at the time drive the motorcycle with the variants that we sell, so that the mask is extremely comfortable sense of smell of the mask without having to smell the air pollution.
Disa     : how about the price for 1 pcs?
Rita     : For a very affordable price, we sell the units and the dozens. For the units we sell is priced at Rp 3,000 and for the dozen we are selling at a price of Rp 30,000.Very affordable for the customer, right?
Angel  :  Yeah you right, the price is still affordable. And how about benefits for stainless spoon?
Rita     : The benefits for stainless spoon fold in more specialized for the traveller that the traveller could bring a spoon in a nutshell by bringing a spoon that can be folded into small so no need to bring your own ladle lazy.
Farhan : How much that price for the spoon?
Rita     : Very affordable price too, we sell the units for the spoon is priced at Rp 10,000
Angel  : How to order if  the customer bought that stainless spoon?
Rimbit : Oh yeah, to mask the reservation also how?
Rita     : For spoons and masks can be ordered in our store through @baranguniq, with the named in shopee. In ordering shopee has stated, customers only need to click on help how to order and follow the procedures determined until we can send the ordered goods.
Farhan : There is no other way to buy the products?
Rita     : Customers can also visit our website is www.baranguniq.com, for the purchasing procedure has been listed in the ordering help and follow the procedures determined until we can send the ordered goods.
Rimbit : For the price on the website and shopee is there any difference?
Rita     : The prices on the website and shopee are the same, so our customer don’t worry about it
Disa     : Well, I'm very interested with the masks because I often use vehicles motorcycles
Farhan : If i were a customer, I  also very interested to bought a spoon that you sell, because I am often traveling especially climbing mountain which should bring the goods short to not charge
Rita     : Yeah han, good idea isn’t it?
Angel  & Farhan : YEAH RIT OF COURSE!!! We have to consistent by doing our bussiness
Rimbit : Hopefully our online shope is continues to grow up day by day
Rita     : I hope so, Mate!

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