Jumat, 15 November 2019

Tugas 2 Manajamen Sumber Daya Manusia #

Nama: Anugrah Rimbit W
Kelas: 4EB02
NPM: 20216975


Jumat, 27 September 2019

Tugas 1 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

Nama: Anugrah Rimbit W

Kelas: 4EB02

NPM: 20216975


Menyiapkan diri untuk wawancara kerja adalah salah satu hal yang sangat penting dalam meraih pekerjaan yang kamu impikan selama ini. Banyak orang yang nggak benar-benar mempersiapkan wawancara mereka dan akhirnya gagal mendapatkan pekerjaan yang mereka idamkan.
Bahkan sebelum kamu tiba di lokasi wawancara, kamu harus menyiapkan beberapa yang harus kamu siapkan. Berikut beberapa yang harus kamu selesaikan sebelum datang wawancara kerja:
1.      Survie lokasi interview
Hal pertama yang harus kamu lakukan adalah dengan survey lokasi interview. Supaya ketika hari di mana kamu akan di-interview, kamu bisa mengira-ngira berapa lama sih waktu yang dibutuhkan dari lokasi rumah kamu ke lokasi interview.
Berhubung zaman sudah semakin canggih, kamu juga bisa mengira-ngira jarak tempuhnya melalui aplikasi map smartphone maupun aplikasi ojek online. Selain mengira waktu yang dibutuhkan, kamu juga bisa mempersiapkan tarif ongkos jika menggunakan kendaraan umum.
2.      Berpakaian rapi
Untuk memberi kesan kalau kamu adalah calon karyawan yang profesional dengan menggunakan pakaian yang rapi. Jadi, pastikan kamu menggunakan kemeja yang tidak kusut atau lecek.
Pastikan juga kalau rambut kamu tertata dengan baik dan jangan lupa pastikan sepatu yang kamu gunakan bersih dan tidak terlihat kotor. Jika kamu berpenampilan rapi, biasanya akan menjadi nilai tersendiri.
3.      Datang lebih awal
Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya ya, kamu harus survey terlebih dahulu lokasi interview. Karena, untuk menghindari terjadinya kamu datang terlambat. Usahakan ketika interview kamu harus datang lebih awal.
Kenapa demikian? Supaya kamu tidak tergesa-gesa dan juga kamu bisa mempersiapkan diri ketika akan interview. Jadi, akan terkesan lebih profesional.
4.      Bersikap sopan
Selanjutnya adalah bersikap sopan dan tentunya murah senyum juga ya. Jangan memasang wajah yang murung, sedih, gelisah atau bahkan marah saat interview. Cobalah untuk bersikap sopan dengan memberikan salam dan juga berjabat tangan terlebih dahulu.
5.      Membawa Berkas Lamaran
Berikutnya adalah dengan mempersiapkan berkas lamaran kerja untuk dibawa. Ini juga sangat. Berkas lamaran tersebut akan terlebih dahulu diperiksa oleh HRD dan juga atasan tempat kamu melamar pekerjaan. Jadi, pastikan berkas lamaran yang kamu bawa tersusun rapi, tidak lecek atau bahkan kotor.
6.      Pelajari segala hal tentang perusahaan tempat kamu melamar
Untuk persiapan wawancara kerja, Anda juga perlu menggali info tentang perusahaan. Tujuannya untuk menujukkan bahwa Anda memang bersungguh-sungguh. Bukan sekedar iseng-iseng saja.
7.      Pahami Posisi yang Anda Lamar
Untuk persiapan wawancara kerja selanjutnya, selain mencari info perusahaan, Anda juga perlu mempelajari posisi yang Anda lamar. Karena biasanya, tim HRD atau manager akan menanyakan tentang hal itu.
Anda melamar di posisi apa? Apakah tahu job desk-nya? Lalu, apakah Anda memiliki pengalaman yang berkaitan dengan posisi tersebut? Dan sebagainya.
Maka itu, pastikan Anda benar-benar paham dengan posisi tersebut. Jika tidak tahu, Anda bisa mencari info di internet atau bertanya pada orang lain. Yang jelas jangan menuliskan posisi tanpa tahu apa pun itu.
8.      Buatlah Catatan Singkat Perihal Pengalaman dan Keterampilan Anda
Sebelum Anda menghadiri undangan wawancara, ada baiknya Anda membuat catatan singkat tentang apa yang nantinya akan Anda ceritakan. Misalnya tentang pengalaman berorganisasi dan kepanitiaan selama kuliah, pengalaman magang kerja, bakat serta keterampilan yang Anda miliki.
Dengan membuat resume ini, nantinya bisa membantu Anda berbicara lebih lancar saat diwawancarai. Anda enggak perlu buang-buang waktu untuk berpikir. Cukup berbicara sesuai konsep, secara teratur dan meyakinkan.
9.      Latihan Sebelum Wawancara
Tips persiapan wawancara kerja selanjutnya adalah latihan. Poin ini juga enggak kalah penting. Anda bisa berpura-pura melakukan wawancara di depan cermin. Lalu, pikirkan kira-kira apa pertanyaan interview yang akan diajukan, dan cobalah untuk mencari jawabannya yang tepat.
Setidaknya, dengan berlatih nantinya Anda bisa lebih siap secara mental. Selain itu, latihan juga membantu meminimalisir terjadinya kesalahan ketika wawancara kerja.
Itulah beberap tips untuk melamar kerja. Semoga bermanfaat.

Minggu, 30 Juni 2019





NPM: 20216975


Last holiday, I went to Bandung City with my father, my mother, and my two brothers. Bandung City for my family is favorite place for holiday. Apart from location for holiday, in Bandung City also famous for shopping and many place for a delicious culinary. My families holiday in Bandung City for three days. During our holiday in Bandung City, we stayed with my cousin, at the Cimpagalo in Bandung City. They were very nice to my family. I arrived at their home Thursday  morning at around 10.00. My aunt is the best; she had finished preparing my favorite food when I just arrived at her home. Noticing my favorite food which was already on the table, of course I was immediately fascinated. Yes, my aunt usually cooks my favorite food when I take a visit to her home.

Having finished eating, I decided to move towards my favorite place in the aunt's house which was in the porch. Around this field, there are still so many paddy fields, which looked so green at that time. It was in contrast to the area in which I live where its field is getting narrower from year to year because it is closed to build housing.

The beautiful scenery accompanied by the breezes that blow caused me sleepy. I didn’t know since what time I had fallen asleep in the porch until Ashar praying time was coming.

After praying Ashar, I went to rice field in front of the house. I was so amazed to see the rice terraces getting yellow which was so beautiful. Uncle said that it was likely that our paddy could be harvested the day after”. He promised that he would take me to see the harvesting of paddy. Of course I approved the promise, and I couldn’t bear for two days after that day. I had already imagined how fun this activity would be. Even I had estimated how many sacks of rice we would get after harvesting.

Days seemed to run very fast there. I didn’t feel that it had already been night. We just stayed at home because of the heavy rain outside. The ambiance was so warm when my aunt prepared us hot tea which is my and my uncle’s favorite beverage.

We ended the funny day with drowsiness coming suddenly and then sleep.  

Jumat, 26 April 2019



NPM: 20216975

interesting experience

when I was in grade 3 elementary school, I won the fashion champion in Kartini Day. at that time I got the trophy and the trophy was the first time I got it. during elementary school, I took part in the flag ceremony held every Monday. at that time I got to read the student's appointment. during the 6th grade, my school held a farewell event held at the school. at that time, I participated in the event. and the school also held a farewell to the streets of Bandung. each class is required to bring gifts to exchange for their classmates.
when I was in junior high school, I had participated in a flag event held every Monday. At that time I was given a flag. that's the first thing I did. during junior high school, I attended a choir extracurricular. at that time I had appeared on TV shows on TVRI. at that time I also performed at the youth day or something I forgot. and I also sang before the regent of Tangerang in that time. during the school farewell, my school went to Yogyakarta. there I went to Malioboro for the first time. in the event I was in Yogyakarta for three or a week there.
When I was in high school, I went to campus on several campuses in East Java. at that time I went to the apple plantation in Malang for the first time I was there. I also visited the temples there.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2019



Nama: Anugrah Rimbit W
Kelas: 3EB02
NPM: 20216975

Guci Tegal Tourist Attractions

Guci Indah is a tourist destination located in a village in the tegal area called Guci village. A village that has an area of ​​210 hectares, is a village that has cool and cool air, because of its presence at the foot of Mount Slamet. Guci tourist attractions, Tegal Central Java is famous for its various water tourism destinations which are believed to be very beneficial for body health and also a requirement for historical stories contained in it.
Tegal district Guci tourist attraction is one of the tourist destinations that are never empty of visitors, in addition to the tourist attraction that attracts attention to the natural scenery in Guci is also very beautiful plus the air is cool and still beautiful.
there are several tourist attractions Guci Tegal namely, Tegal Guci tourism park is a tourist spot Guci Tegal, Central Java, which is famous for its warm water bath which is beneficial for our bodies. Shower 13 Guci is a tourist spot for Tegal hot water baths that is visited by many tourists. Gciku Hot Waterboom is a vehicle for water games or swimming pools that use warm water which is beneficial for the body. Jedor Guci waterfall is a tourist attraction Guci, Tegal Regency in the form of a waterfall that has a very beautiful view. And then the last is, Guci twin Curug is one of the tourist destinations in jars that you should not miss, a twin waterfall that is interconnected is one of the beautiful waterfalls in Guci.

Minggu, 20 Januari 2019

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

Lesson 15 (unique product)

Multifunction Spoon For Travellers

Indonesia is rich in nature that stretches from Sabang unil Merauke. Tourist destination more growing nowadays. Local and internasional tourists increasingly visited location in the area of Indonesia. On of the city often visited by tourist is mount bromo. Mount bromo is located in Probolinggo, Malang. Mount Bromo has a height of 2.329m. climb the mountain requires a long time., so the mountaineer need a variety of the equipmen that he had brought to meet the needs of them by the time climb the mountain. One in needed in climbing is the equipment eat the spoon.

The spoon it very easy to be taken anywhere, because it is shaped very simple and flexible. The spoon it shaped fault that into two. At the end of the fault spoon equipped with a flashlight. With the flashlight in the end of the spoon can facilitate the climber to eat at night. When the climbers want to use the flashlight, the climber using only one side of the fault. So it is very facilitate the climber to use the tools.

The target of marketing spoon it can to all ages. But it is very main priority is the people who often do travelling around Indonesia like the mountaineers. Because they are very need the tool is for climbing. The tool can be purchased in a store or can trough online store. The price of the tool is very affordable.

Advantage of this tool that is the climber no longer rush in bring a small stuff like the spoon who often lost. Therefore we make blend spoon and the flashlight in one of the box small. Why do we want to incorporate the spoon with a flashlight? Because a spoon and the flashlight much needed the climbers that can be taken anywhere. If the climber want using a spoon, need to incorporate the fault into one. And if you want to use the flashlight, stay using the fault of them.

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1


Rita     : Hello good Afternoon, I would like to give an idea for our new products. these are very unique and have a good quality for sure
Rimbit : What products that you want to?
Angel  : Yes, what products rit?
Rita     : We would sell anti pollution masks from a wide range of taste and stainless spoon fold for the traveller, what’s your opinion about my idea?
Farhan : I am very interested with the stainless spoon ones! In my opinion this is so unique mask nowadays
Rita     : this product is very rare so just our shop that sell this product, and hopefully we gain high profit  by selling this product
Disa     : for anti pollution mask, what variant in it is?
Rita     : There are a variety of fragrant fruit, such as grapes, oranges, strawberry, chocolate, cherry and mango, u guys any idea to made other fragrance?
Rimbit : Hmm... I thought mint is interesting, because mint can healing influenza, so the customer will interested too?  And what’s mainly advantages for the mask?
Rita     : The advantages of the mask we sell is very comfortable mask used when driving a motorcycle, mask made its goal to avoid the smell of air pollution at the time drive the motorcycle with the variants that we sell, so that the mask is extremely comfortable sense of smell of the mask without having to smell the air pollution.
Disa     : how about the price for 1 pcs?
Rita     : For a very affordable price, we sell the units and the dozens. For the units we sell is priced at Rp 3,000 and for the dozen we are selling at a price of Rp 30,000.Very affordable for the customer, right?
Angel  :  Yeah you right, the price is still affordable. And how about benefits for stainless spoon?
Rita     : The benefits for stainless spoon fold in more specialized for the traveller that the traveller could bring a spoon in a nutshell by bringing a spoon that can be folded into small so no need to bring your own ladle lazy.
Farhan : How much that price for the spoon?
Rita     : Very affordable price too, we sell the units for the spoon is priced at Rp 10,000
Angel  : How to order if  the customer bought that stainless spoon?
Rimbit : Oh yeah, to mask the reservation also how?
Rita     : For spoons and masks can be ordered in our store through @baranguniq, with the named in shopee. In ordering shopee has stated, customers only need to click on help how to order and follow the procedures determined until we can send the ordered goods.
Farhan : There is no other way to buy the products?
Rita     : Customers can also visit our website is www.baranguniq.com, for the purchasing procedure has been listed in the ordering help and follow the procedures determined until we can send the ordered goods.
Rimbit : For the price on the website and shopee is there any difference?
Rita     : The prices on the website and shopee are the same, so our customer don’t worry about it
Disa     : Well, I'm very interested with the masks because I often use vehicles motorcycles
Farhan : If i were a customer, I  also very interested to bought a spoon that you sell, because I am often traveling especially climbing mountain which should bring the goods short to not charge
Rita     : Yeah han, good idea isn’t it?
Angel  & Farhan : YEAH RIT OF COURSE!!! We have to consistent by doing our bussiness
Rimbit : Hopefully our online shope is continues to grow up day by day
Rita     : I hope so, Mate!

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1


Par 1 = “Anti pollution mask with various kind off fragrance” and “folding stainless spoon for travelers” this mask is the first one of our product, anti pollution mark with kinds of fruit fragrance like grape, orang, strawberry, chocolate, cherry and mango will make customer comfortable when driving, the mark is made to avoid the smell of air pollution due to vehicle fames, and this mark also can be relieve breath during the flu, customer can request the varian of mint can relieve breath when we smell it. And the second one is folding stainless spoon for travelers make easier for travelers during traveling. To gives a space for other items in one backpack.

Par 2 = As we know that before, marks in general are ordinary masks without fragrance, and we make a new innovations put them in our masks. So the customer cant smell of our pollution which from public transportation or factory smoke and also our private vehicle, folding stainless spoon also had a unique rides, previous stainless spoons were just ordinary long shaped spoons, the we modificated so the spoon can be told to gives a space for many items in backpack.

Par 3 = To operate this bussiness we make a social media as media promotor, our target is two wheeld rider and also travelers. They can find out our product on website or instagram, and we make a sample for tester the way to promote our product, and don’t forget to make our client being satisfied with our product.

Part 4 = The benefits for the owner are : 
·         The owner also have used the products because the products been tested and has a lot of function
·         Gain profit from sales
·         Have new innovations throught this product

The benefits for the customers :
·         To avoid the smell of air pollution
·         To get this awesome product for a cheap price
·         To relieve breath doing the influenza, witch is the customer pick mint ones for the flavour

Rabu, 02 Januari 2019



Nama: Andisa Yunita S
           Angelina Panjaitan
          Anugrah Rimbit W
          Farhan Ferdian
          Rita Darniati

Kelas: 3EB02

            Jl. Suka Cita No. 17 Jakarta
             Telp. (021)2345566

Number           : 123/HH/HRD_CEO/2018
Subject            : Grand Opening

Mr & Mrs. Christine
Jalan Iskandar No.10 Jakarta

Dear Mr & Mrs Christine
We are pleased to inform you that is grand opening of our new sneakers. Here we would like to invite you to participate and attend to the evenb which will be held on :
Date    : June 20th, 2018
Time    : 10.00 a. m
Place    : Jalan Suka Cita No.17 Jakarta
The Grand Opening event will be opened by a speech from CEO Sneakers Waterproof, Mr. Farhan will proceed with the party. An honor if you could attend to the opening ceremony of our company. We lokk forward to seeing you at Sneakers grand opening party.
Sneakers Waterproof

Human Resourches Development

Phone : 082156789023
Dress: Blue


            Jl. Suka Cita No. 17 Jakarta
             Telp. (021)2345566

Number           : 123/HH/HRD_CEO/2018
Subject            : Grand Opening

Dear Mr. Farhan
I have received your invitation to conduct a grand opening. I would come to the grand opening with my pleasure. It would be a great time to exchange ideas in our new product.
I have checked my schedule and I will be available to meet you with yours.
I look forward to seeing you soon
Kind Regards,

Mr & Mrs Christine


            Jl. Suka Cita No. 17 Jakarta
             Telp. (021)2345566

Dear Mr Farhan,
Thank You for invite me to your Grand Opening, but I have another important agenda.
So, I can’t attend on your Grand Opening.


Mr & Mrs Christine



Nama: Andisa Yunita S
           Angelina Panjaitan
          Anugrah Rimbit W
          Farhan Ferdian
          Rita Darniati

Kelas: 3EB02


We build up our website with the name sneak_ers which was established in 2014 to be exact on December 28, 2014. Why we named sneak_ers ? because the products we sell are sneaker shoes. The shoes we sell are made up of a wide range of models that are present for a given price very affordable range from Rp 150,000 up to Rp 900,000.
Initially we have only an offline store from the mouth to the mouth, after a long time we started our business in the online, and we makes the website. To face competition we will continue creating the latest innovations. Besides the sneakers we will also provide flatshoes, wedges, heels for women. In addition we will also improve services and marketing not only inside the country but we will market our product to some neighboring countries even worldwide.



Nama: Andisa Yunita S
           Angelina Panjaitan
           Anugrah Rimbit W
          Farhan Ferdian
          Rita Darniati

Kelas: 3EB02


After the product has been ordered and payment, product will be processed and shipped by courier that we provide. We are responsible for whatever is going to happen regarding the courier as well as good customer. For the Jakarta area can make payment by cod.

Our website provides services that are guaranteed. Therefore, we are ready to face the market share is going to happen in this era. To compete with other competitors we will continue to make appropriate changes to the latest innovations. From the side of marketing, products and delivery.

To compete with other products is not easy, we gives discount every month from the date of 23-25 and gives free shipping delivery. Quality will continue to fix up our input from the customer.
Rimbit give respons
By the way, how we believe the customer that the sneakers we sell are quality assured?

In my opinion, in addition to having online store we also have offline store, so every month we held a bazaar sneakers which can be customer visit. The location of the bazaar will be informed through our website or official instagram.

Promotion Sneak_ers
By the way, for  advertise the products we can through  by social media. Our courier will usually also do a parade to introduce our products to the public.

I think that rimbit said is correct, but in my opinion  to the above manner can also do advertising through the print media by way of disseminating a brochure in some points which we have specified.

Yes, I also agree with the opinion of Rimbit and Disa, in my opinion we can also do advertisement with endorsement for artist or selebgram by promoting our products. Then, I will  handled and procedures that they provide.

So this time the meeting going smoothly and not boring, I provide some bavarage to all of you and what has been discussed at the meetings this time I hope we stay consistent with our goals. If there’s any problem we can discuss our next meeting.



Nama: Andisa Yunita S
           Angelina Panjaitan
           Anugrah Rimbit W
           Farhan Ferdian
           Rita Darniati

Kelas: 3EB02


At the meeting, and at this time I will explain about how customer shopping at our website. We sell a wide variety of types of waterproof sneakers that have been assured of it’s a good quality. The first step to ordering items on our website are:
1.      visit the website www. sneak_ers. com
2.      Choose what shoes to buy
3.      Choose the size that fits
4.      Specify the number of the items to be purchased
5.      Fill in the data in the form of the address of the place of residence, no.phone, and email address
6.      Click the message item
7.      Payment can be made by bank transfer and cash on delivery.
8.      Do the max payment 2 days after ordering
9.      Send proof of transfer to the websites.
10.  Items will be processed on the working hours, estimated delivery 2-3 day.